I Shall Use My Time & Not Waste My Days

When quoting a socialist, I feel compelled to acknowledge my disapproval of his politics while approving of the truth in his statement. This is the case as I quote Jack London. “The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.

It would be anybody’s guess if Jack were inspired by Benjamin Franklin’s quote, “Some people die at 25 and aren’t buried until 75.” Though London and Franklin lived in different times and had different political beliefs, they agreed on using the finite time we have on earth.

The Things That Matter

Your time is valuable, and I am honored that you are taking the time to read these words. These words are to encourage you to be active in doing the things that matter. Since you are reading this blog, liberty matters to you. I encourage you to do more than exist in liberty but to use your time to fight for freedom.

I Shall Use My Time

For example, I was asked to attend a press conference concerning saving women’s sports at the state capitol. Biological girls deserve the opportunity to participate against other biological girls. Biological boys have their sports. Unfortunately, some people want to take that liberty away from our nation’s girls. We must fight back. I didn’t speak with words at the conference, but my presence was noted. Battles similar to this one may take generations before they are over.

Or, we could lose our freedom quickly if we only try to exist. We must use our time to defend ourselves and future generations. We all may not be eloquent speakers to speak up for liberty, but showing up for the cause is half the battle. Ben Franklin also stated, “Well done is better than well said.” So please discover what you can do and don’t waste your days. Tell yourself, “I shall use my time,” then, do it.

The featured image is titled Allegory of Good Government by Ambrogio Lorenzetti. The image is in the Public Domain.