This May Seem Like A Bunch of Corn
Corn is a metaphor for nonsense
Some people look down upon people that have worked outside a lot. Our ideas may seem like a bunch of corn to them. Some think red neck and blue collar types must not have the brains to allow them to have a desk job. In my experiences, I have found that to be far from the truth. Goldfish don’t climb trees for a reason. They don’t need to. Likewise, rednecks are pretty good swimming through life without living in a cubicle or a fish bowl of corporate bureaucracy. In the interest of full disclosure, I have spent a considerable amount of time with a desk job. In the cubicle corporate world, it is best if one refrains from conversations about politics (one of my favorite subjects). People look with incredulity if one starts talking about livestock or protecting one’s property from coyotes and bobcats. These taboo topics pale in comparison to the topic of religion.
More corn
Some people think preaching is foolish. First Corinthians 1:18 reads: For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. It means that people who don’t believe Jesus was crucified and resurrected are perishing. My first book, Quintessential Redneck explores among other things, the idea that no one should look down on anyone.. My next book, Quintessential Sinner Saint will explore the brokenness of everyone. This may seem like a bunch of corn, but to the ones being saved, it is the realization that the power of God can rescue the broken.
Please notice next to, or beneath my blogs there are external links to some very worthwhile information. I have embedded one in the body of this blog installment to bring extra attention to an organization that really tugs at my heart. See below.
Please Help Persecuted Christians
This may seem like a bunch of corn also, but there are many Christians across the world that have tried to help the broken and have suffered greatly in doing so. Follow this link to learn some of their stories so you can at least pray for them. The Voice of the Martyrs
Shameless Plug
Of course, every blog of mine cannot conclude without a shameless plug.
- A reminder to share this post with your friends and neighbors.
- To purchase my book Quintessential Redneck, browse this website.